Are You Well?

We are constantly on the go. We’re always moving, chasing, desiring, working. Most of us live trapped in life’s continuous cycle. We live on a treadmill that’s neverending and seemingly going nowhere. We have bills, exams, people to take care of, and it just goes on and on.

When was the last time you paused and considered how you were doing?

Maybe you don’t live a very busy life. Maybe you’re just stuck in your routines and habits both (good and bad), getting swept up in the current of life and letting it take you wherever. To you, I ask the same question: When was the last time you assessed how you were doing?

Whether we’re constantly on the go or not, we often don’t take the time to listen and pay attention to what’s happening inside us. We find ourselves battling fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions that we push away and ignore, like the lights on our car dashboard.

We ignore those lights (well, I know I do.) instead of addressing them. Why? Sometimes it’s fear. Or we just don’t have the time. Sometimes we convince ourselves that those lights, those negative feelings, aren’t significant enough or severe enough to require our attention.

And to our detriment, we ignore them.

Those lights, at times, are signals that something may be wrong. The negative emotions that swell inside of us are signals from our brain that something may be wrong or may require our attention. Yet, we ignore these signals until our engine starts smoking or making noises, our brakes start squealing, or, God forbid, our car shuts off on the road.

This is much like how we treat our wellness.

We don’t address how we are feeling and doing mentally, physically, emotionally, or even spiritually until we are sinking into depression, feeling pains, aches, discomforts, anxious to the point of dysfunction, or in a prayer drought.

My desire for you, reader, is that you would take a moment and ask yourself honestly ~ am I well? like really, am I okay?

Take a wellness assessment ~ what are you feeling in your heart? What are the thoughts currently occupying your mind? How have your emotions been? And where is your relationship with God? Are you well?

My friend, this isn’t about self-care, self-love, or being selfish. This is about being good stewards of our time, hearts, energy, and bodies.

It’s about being good stewards of our life.

Understand that our hearts, minds, and bodies are blessings from God. And because He has given these things to us (for a finite amount of time), it’s crucial that we take care of them, we put them to good use, and we’re careful of how we handle them.

This summer, we’re going to dive into our wellness, assess where we are, and take the necessary steps to get better or keep going. We’ll hear tips and tricks from other girls, talk about our negative emotions, deal with wellness from a Christian perspective, and more. Remember to subscribe to our email and follow us on IG so you don’t miss out!

I want to live well and be well this summer. Do you?

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