Free? Indeed.

We form attachments. It’s one of the many habits we have as humans. Our brains tend to cling to things, to people, to places. Our hearts create emotions surrounding these places, these people, these things, and we form attachments.

I have an attachment to my car (Her name is Olivia). She was (and still is) my miracle. It was a miracle that I got her how I did, the way I did when I did. She’s my first car, my baby. And I don’t think I could sell her. I am emotionally attached.

What’s interesting is that, as I am growing, I’ve learned that we humans will form these attachments to anything, even to destructive things.

We will hold onto habits that keep us addicted or make us sick. We hold onto people who are not good for us emotionally and mentally. We will cling to fear and worry even though we know it doesn’t add a day to our lives. We are chained to anxiety, letting stress cause us to not even be able to function.

We do this because of trauma, inner issues and beliefs, patterns, and behaviors we observe from parents and family. We do it because of genetics (some of us are just wired to become attached to certain things)

Nevertheless, we become bound and tied to things that weigh us down. Things that are damaging to our hearts and souls. And sometimes, it happens against our will. We end up slaves to sin.

And we get so wrapped up and intertwined so tight that we forget we have a choice. One of the enemy’s tactics is to deceive us into thinking we are trapped and are forever bound to our sin and our attachments. He wants us to believe that we should keep repeating the same patterns repeatedly. That there is no way out.

But there is. There is another way. We can untie, unwind, and release ourselves from the attachments we create or the ones that have been imposed on us. And once we do this, we realize we were free all along.

The very instant Jesus died on the Cross, the option of freedom became available to you. You can now choose to live free, a life of abundance.

We accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we love God, we obey His word, and embrace everything He has for us. This is our freedom.

Yet, we live so convinced and controlled by every emotion, every circumstance, and every person.

You do not have to have it all figured out be free from that.

You do not have to turn to sin and lust to feel relief be free from that.

You do not have to live in fear of your future be free from that.

You do not have to worry about how you’re going to end up be free from that

You do not have to constantly strive to be the best or exceptional at everything be free from that.

You do not have to let anger and jealousy fill your heart and cause you to act in hurtful and spiteful ways be free from that.

Whatever it is that you are stuck to or on, you can make a choice to be free from. You do not have to live the way they say you do. You do not have to be owned by every emotion you have. You are free. You can decide.

And I hope you decide to live in the liberty God has granted you. I hope you choose the freedom that Christ has so freely given You.

This Fall, we’re diving into our freedom through Christ and the confidence it gives us. I hope you join us, and together let’s change our lives.

The Cross has made us free.

It’s time to be bold about it.

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