Don’t Waste Your Summer | 5 Ways You Can Have a Productive Summer


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Okay, most of us see summer break as just that: a break. School is stressful, and summer is a time for rest and relaxation. However, when summer ends we look back and ask ourselves: “what did I do this summer?”. The answer should be a happy one because one thing we all do not want to do is waste our summer! 

So, to avoid that I have for you some ways you can be productive this summer. And productivity can be fun, if you make it. So, here are some ideas:

Try New Recipes

Summer is the perfect time to sharpen your cooking skills. I’m not a great cook, but I love food. 

I love trying new recipes and new meals. And some of the best meals are so simple to make! You can find recipes in magazines, or online. I love following different Instagram accounts that provide great recipes. I also find my recipes on Pinterest because there are so many options. You can use my healthy recipes Pinterest board here

Another way to make this fun is to document your meals! You could post them on Instagram, or start a cooking blog, or even a cooking channel on Youtube!

Book/Movie Challenge

Now, I was going to tell you to read a book, but we hear that all the time. And reading can feel like a chore. So, to make it fun: do a book of movie challenge with friends or family! This is such a fun idea. You can get with your friends and pick out books to read or movies to watch, and then discuss them with each other. It’s like having a book club!

Study your Bible 

Spending time with God is an amazing (and important!) thing to do this summer! You can pick a book in the Bible, (I would choose something Old Testament because there a lot of good and entertaining stories) and just read. You could bible journal and get artistic. Or you could even start a summer bible study group with friends. I love watching Youtube videos to get inspired, and here’s a great one.

Find a Passion

Be Creative. Trying different artistic things. Re-decorate your room. Paint some pictures. Print out different coloring sheets. Start a Youtube channel or a blog, or even get into Instagram. Unleash your inner creative, and you never know, you might stumble upon your passion or God might just reveal your purpose. I have a blog post that’ll help you get started.

Try TikTok Trends

If you’re not on the TikTok train by now, friend get on. It’s so entertaining. There are so many trends that are going around on TikTok and you could try some of them, like this tye-dye video below. Then, you could make TikToks of your trying these trends. And, this is productive because not only are you being creative, you’re putting your mind to work.

I hope these ideas gave you some inspiration! I’ll be trying out some of these ideas, so follow me on social media so you can see the results!

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