Who Do You Dare To Be?


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Who are You? Who do you belong to? The distractions of this world sometimes distort our sense of who we are. Temptations pull, drag and tear at us until it becomes hard to recognize ourselves. And we forget who we are and whose we are. We forget that we are not citizens of this world. We are in it, but we are not of it.

Citizens of heaven, that’s who we are. and we belong to the King of Kings, the Ruler of everything. And because of this, we called to uphold a different and higher standard. As children of God, we are different. We are set apart.

There is an incredible man of God who dared to uphold the standard of God in an environment where everyone else did the complete opposite. His name was Daniel. What makes him so special is that Daniel never forgot who he was and who he belonged to. Even in the face of death, Daniel remained faithful to God. They never conformed; they never gave in to the temptations of the world around them.

“But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods.”

Daniel 1:8

From the very beginning, they even chose not to eat the same foods as everyone else. What we “eat” should be different than those around us. I’m not talking about physical food, but instead spiritual. The way we conduct ourselves, the things we say, what we consume, should be different than those around us.

So, who do you dare to be? Do you dare to be different? Do you dare to break the mold the world wants you to conform to? Or will you be transformed? Will you begin to walk, talk, and live like a child of God?

“Whenever the king consulted them in any matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgment, he found them ten times more capable than any of the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom.”

Daniel 1:20

God is so awesome, that he elevates those who dare to live for Him. We are his daughters, and He lives within us. And He is ten times better than anything this world could offer. So, I ask you again, who do you dare to be?

The answer is simpler than you may think. All you have to do is embrace who you are. A Daughter of Christ. A chosen vessel of God. And dare to walk in that.

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