A few of my favorite things ~ 10 Things that Make You Happy

So, I love using planners. They help keep my life from spiraling out of control. Passion Planners are my favorite to use. The layout is great, their simple, they have monthly reflections. (This isn’t sponsored, but it should be.) On every weekly page, there is a little quote with a call to action on the side.

This particular week, after the quote, the call to action was: make a list of 10 small things that make you happy. So I did this, and it changed my life. I realized that this might be the key to having happiness. It helped me so much, I started telling my family members to the same.

Making a list of 10 ten things that make you happy first forces you to self-reflect. It takes some thought. Having this list, however, is like having a resource. Whenever you’re down or you’re stressed, you can refer to your list and do one of the things that you know will make you happy.

This is so useful for your mental health. You’re becoming more emotionally aware of yourself. And when you do one thing from your list of ten( and least once a week according to the Passion Planner), you’re intentionally practicing self-care.

So, to get you started and give you a few ideas, here are 5 things that make me happy out of my list of ten: 

Chick-fil a 

I’m obsessed with this place. Like obsessed. The employees at the Chick fil a on my campus probably know my name. I’m always there. My go-to: three-piece strips with an Arnold Palmer and Polynesian or chick-fil-a sauce. Instant happiness.

Naps after school 

There is nothing. NOTHING. More satisfying than coming home, getting comfortable, and taking a nap. Especially after you had an early morning and a full day. I get happy just thinking about taking a nap when I get home.

Making playlists

Ya’ll know I love a good playlist. I love playlists that are cohesive. The songs flow together and you can just let it play without worrying. Finding a good playlist that matches your mood for the day = best feeling. You can find some of my playlists here.

Bible verse 

Whenever I’m going through something and I find a bible verse that connects or speaks to me… it’s so inspiring and instantly makes happy.

Getting into bed at night after a long day

Getting home, taking a shower, putting on pajamas and getting into bed. I mean what feels better than that?

Honorable mention: PBJ with hot chocolate (or coffee). This is weird, but it’s one of my favorite treats/comfort foods. I make a PB&J sandwich, make some Hot Chocolate, and eat them together. Usually, I do this right before bed, and 9/10 I go to bed happy.

(this is how you achieve happiness. not joy. that comes from God.)

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