Chosen. | the importance of community.

Have you watched the show The Chosen? If you haven’t, do it! do it now! It’s amazing. it’s phenomenal. I absolutely love it. You can download the app and watch the first season. (Click here to learn more)

The Chosen is a series about the Gospel and Jesus Christ. Which there have been so many shows/movies surrounding Jesus but none of them are like this one. What makes The Chosen so brilliant is that it gives a different view and perspective of Jesus.

We get to see Jesus through the eyes of the disciples, and the other people in the involved in the Gospels like Nicodemus (John 3) and Mary. The Chosen focuses on the lives of the people around Jesus, the people who Jesus chose to be his community.

This show really got me thinking. And I had some questions. Ones that I want to share with you:

Who have I chosen? Who have you chosen? Who has God chosen?

To go further, who have I chosen to be my community? Who have you chosen to be your community? And, who has God chosen to be our communities?

What I realized is that, and I cannot stress this enough, community is so important. Community is key.

In my post, 5 Things Every Christian Girl Needs In College, I talk briefly about how keeping the right community is crucial. And now, I want to really show you why.

Why is keeping the right community so important? Because of this one word:


(the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.)

As human beings, as social creatures, we are always watching and observing those around us. Wether we like it or not, we are influenced by the people we have around us.

the people we hang around will:

help us make the right decisions or harm us by leading you to make bad ones  

push us in the right direction, or pull us in the wrong direction

they will make you or break you 

they will build you up or tear you down 

Your community is so important, your inner circle, the people that are the closest to you, is very crucial. 

this is why you need your community to be not just right, but godly.

The people around you should be pushing you and leading you not just in the right direction, but the godly direction.

And what does godly community look like? We get a snapshot of it in Acts.

“They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity — all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.

Acts 2:46-47 (NLT)

Godly communities should emulate and reflect the love of Christ and give us a glimpse into heaven. Your community should be about caring and loving one another while pushing each other closer to God.

Going back to the show The Chosen, another thing I love about this show is that by showing us the people Jesus chose, we are shown who He is. We get to see His nature and his character through seeing his community.

Jesus, who was perfect and sinless, didn’t hang with the rich and prominent people. Jesus chose to hang with those who were sinful and filled with imperfections. The people at the bottom of society. Showing how compassionate and loving he was. He was humble and selfless because he chose to commune with the people that needed Him the most.

So, take a look around you. Assess your community. Think about your chosen. Is your community the right one, the godly one? And what does it say about you and your character?

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