5 Things Every Christian Girl Needs In College.

So, this post should really be called five things every Christian needs. Because we all need these things no matter what our age, or gender, or position in life is. But I think these things are very specific to college girls. Why? Well, there are two things that every college experience comes with: temptations and distractions. I know we get those things no matter where we are in life, but in college, it’s at another level.

So, it’s so important that we are intentional about having the necessary tools and practices we need as Christians. Because above all else, we have to guard our hearts. And here are 5 things that help us do that:

a Bible

“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Ephesians 6

Now, this a no brainer lol. Every Christian should have a bible. Excuse me, every Christian should have a physical bible. A study bible. Because these textbooks should not be the only thing you’re studying.

Get a physical bible that you can write in, you draw arrows and circles. You highlight and underline important words. Get a bible you can put sticky notes and page markers in.

Also, You need a physical Bible because that is your weapon, The word of God is our sword. That is how you fight against the many battles that will be thrown against you in college. You’re going to need a weapon when you have that class that confuses your mind. When you have that exam that’s giving you severe anxiety. When you have the boy that keeps tempting you. Girl, you better keep that 66 on you!


I’m pretty sure if you look it up, the definition of college is overwhelming. As college students we all agree that college is just four years of being constantly overwhelmed. Our hears and minds just get loaded and burdened with so many feellings.

And sometimes we can’t say those feelings out loud because let’s be honest, we’re not going to fully disclose everything on our hearts all the time to everyone.

So, let all those feelings out, by writing it down. Journals give you the opportunity to lay everything bare. And the only thing you’re burdening is the paper.

And you can have different journals for different things: prayer journals, diaries, bible journals, the list is endless.

(Godly) Community

This right here is a whole post by itself. (which I will do soon.) But to keep it brief, keep godly community.

It only makes sense. Keep people around that will push you in the right direction and influence you to make correct choices.

But also, keep people aorund you that you can call at 10 pm to pray for and with you. People you can read you’re Bible with. People who will encourage you in Christ and bring you closer to God.

Join a collegiate ministry. Find a church. Ask God to send you people. He did it for me.

so I know He will do it for you.


By this I mean, little things that will remind you of who you are and whose you are. It could be cute Bible verse decor in your room. It could a cute phone wallpaper. (I have a Pinterest board of really cute wallpapers that you can use!)

Or a cool Christian t-shirt. (I love Christian apparel! Use my code JenesisQ15 for 15% off a cute t-shirt at elevatedfaith.com! )

Or a daily notification.

It’s so important to remind ourselves who we are and whose we are. Reminders help keep our identity in check. Because it’s easy to lose ourselves in an environment with so many different influences.

Reminders help us to remember that we do not follow culture. We are not validated by culture. We are validated by Jesus Christ and the Word of God.

Worship Playlist

Now, there is nothing like a playlist filled with the best worship music. Worship music is so important because it sets the atmosphere. It sets the tone for whatever day or moment you’re going into.

Your worship playlist will be for the following:

  • starting your day
  • before taking exams
  • before giving presentations
  • moments of stress, anxiety, and worry
  • the drive to school or work
  • the drive home
  • ending your day

Some of my favorite songs right now are: No One Beside (Elevation Worship), Have My Heart (Maverick City Music) and I Just Love You (Upperroom). You can also find some great songs for building your playlist here.

Those are five things every Christian girl needs in college. If you’re in college, what are some things that you found helpful as a Christian? And if you’re beginning your college journey, what are some things you’re bringing with you? Let me know!

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